Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last, Last, Last Post of 2009

A fitting end to 2009 - a Blue Moon. I took this photo at about 6:00 PM and nearly froze to death... Blue Moon, not in reference to the color, but to the fact that when there are 2 full moons in 1 month, the 2nd full moon is called "Blue Moon". A Blue Moon is also when in a season there are 4 full moons and then the 3rd moon is called a "Blue Moon."

You can perhaps tell from the masthead of the blog that I intend to continue my Photo A Day for the next 365 days. I plan to do more with film in 2010, study a bit more about composition, lenses, lighting, and print making and will share daily via this blog. This IS my last post of 2009 and I plan to get up early tomorrow and go in search of photographs just waiting to be made.
(Click on the photograph to view a larger image).

Last, Last Post of 2009 - 365.5

I posted my last entry - went out to clear the driveway and what to my eyes did appear? But, a sunrise. God must have sensed my disappointment in not having a sunrise to post for the last day and said, "'s that?" I'd have to say perfect in every way!!!
(Click on the photograph to view a larger image).

Last Post of 2009 - 365 of 365

A snowy night last night. I love how the snow flakes show up when a flash is used. I would have loved to have shot a sunrise this morning and end the year as I started it by posting a sunrise - however, I know the sun came up 'cause there's daylight - but, no orange or yellow cast in the sky - just grey...
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

I plan on doing a year 2 of my Project 365 - so, please, join me tomorrow as I venture into 2010.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why The World Needs Proofreaders

Ok - not the best photograph I've ever taken, but take a look at the top line. Now, imagine you are a buyer for a large retail chain who just received thousands of these plates for your Christmas Season... I assume the manufacturer missed the typo (it was made in China - really!!). I don't know if the buyer had a chance to review the product or not, if he did he's probably not a buyer any longer.

In another life I taught freelance writing classes and tried to impress on the students how important it is to pay attention to the details. Imagine for a moment you are writing, or editing, or proof reading a document which discusses medications and you miss the fact that the document refers to a dosage of 10 grams - instead of 10 mg. A typo that can kill...

Ok - got sidetracked there - the plate's a hoot - with a matching "Chritmas" cup. The retailer (who shall remain nameless) destroyed all of the the product. I just happened to acquire my set before they caught it...

Tomorrow is the last photo of the day for 2009 - my thought was to photograph the last sunset in 2009 since I started my Project 365 with the first sunrise. It sounds like the weather will not be cooperating so I will have to find another photograph to put my 2009 Project 365 to bed.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chime Players

Concentrating on playing the chimes - it takes skill, musical ability, coordination, vision, and a sense if rhythm. These ladies have what it takes.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image)

Monday, December 28, 2009

One Last Look

One last look at our 2009 Christmas Tree.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

3 days left on my Project 365 - to continue?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Snowy Sunrise

A snowy sunrise this morning - a couple of inches on top of a couple of inches on top of ice. The streets are pretty clear, but walking is at times difficult.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Friday, December 25, 2009

Filled With Love

Stocking were hung (OK - laid) by the chimney with care. And, Santa filled them with love...
(Click on the photograph to view a larger image).

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Nanook of the North

Yesterday we had family traveling from Minnesota, land of ice and snow, and everyone arrived with no travel incidents. The photo is Ania, my oldest granddaughter in her winter hat - I affectionately refer to her as Nanook of the North......
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Waiting Room

Taken with my iPhone and manipulated with the iPhone application PhotoShop Mobile - all while I was waiting in the Exam Room for my turn to be seen by the physician.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Different Seasons

George Wyth Park in September,,,

Same bench in December...
(Click on the photograph to view a larger image).

Monday, December 21, 2009


An extremely large chunk of ice hanging off the roof at our church. It was knocked down after I took the picture.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chilly Picnic

It would be a bit chilly for a picnic....
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hope Martin Park

Hope Martin Park in Waterloo.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Snowy Tunnel

I was driving around yesterday and came across this view - a gorgeous winter tunnel. Winter may be cold - but it does provide some beautiful opportunities for photographs.
(Click on the photograph for a larger image).

I also caught a glimpse of an eagle - I was driving the wrong type of vehicle to get any closer, so using my 400 mm lens I took this photo of what appears to be a female eagle. I'm still looking for that perfect eagle photo, but this is a start (at least I saw one).
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I've been experimenting with HDR (High Density Resolution) techniques and I worked on a photograph I took last Memorial Day. After transforming it to HDR I added some color effects - an interesting look.
(CLick on the photograph to view a larger image).

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Aunt Andrea

Aunt Andrea holding Daniel... I do understand that he doesn't sleep all the time...and exercises his lungs in the middle of the night.
(Click on the photo to view larger image)

Monday, December 14, 2009


Daniel Mason Cummings was baptized yesterday. Here James is holding Daniel while Katharine anxiously awaits her turn...

17 Days to decide if I am going to do a second year of a daily photo... It's kinda become part of my daily routine. I'm undecided at this point, but I am leaning towards doing a second year.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Sunday, December 13, 2009

POPS Concert

Yesterday afternoon and evening Helen and I sang in a community chorus which performed with the Waterloo/Cedar Falls Symphony. I took this photo with my iPhone of the Harp Players providing background music before the concert started.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

After the Storm

Our concrete frog was buried during the blizzard... Still smiling though...

I believe he's much happier now that he can see...
(click on a photo to view a larger image).

Thursday, December 10, 2009


A touch of red...
(Click on the photograph to view a lager image).

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Angel In The Snow

Part of our neighbors Christmas display.
(Click on the angel to view a larger image).

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


If you look closely you can see my reeflection in the ornament.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Monday, December 7, 2009

Red Ornament

The Christmas Tree is a handy place to take photographs. I don't have to go outside and be cold, plus - I have dozens of choices.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Sunday, December 6, 2009

An Old Film Camera Brought Back to Life

Photo Taken with a crisscross filter

I have recently resurrected an old film camera (Minolta SRT SC-II) that I used in the 70's and 80s. I must say there are differences between then and now... (1) After I shoot a picture I automatically look to the back of the camera for an LCD Screen to see what the picture looks like - oops - not there. (2) I forget, almost every time to advance the film - so, after I frame my picture and set the aperture and shutter speed and I go to release the shutter - I have to stop and advance the film... argh.

The above picture is from the first roll of black and white film shot through that camera in about 20 years. With today's film cameras you can have the camera automatically choose the right settings and the film is advanced (no picture on the back though). Kinda spoils the fun.

When I took the film to be developed I was asked if I wanted them put on a CD - I said yes. The question seemed odd to me - however, it did enable me to cross the divide between film and digital. Now I've got a digital copy I can manipulate - I didn't, but I could have. However, it kinda spoils the creative process and the fun of shooting the film where what you shoot is what you get with no chance to fix the photograph. It seems I took a long way (and a more expensive way) to get a photograph that I could have gotten if I had just taken a photo with my digital camera - I would have had my photograph - quicker and cheaper.

Quicker and cheaper doesn't always trump an activity - it can't replace the enjoyment I got from hearing the "sound" of the shutter going off, the feel of the camera in my hand, figuring out the correct aperture and shutter speed and even the anticipation of waiting for the film to be developed. I won't be doing a lot of shooting with the camera, but I've got to say I think I'll continue to experiment with the it. It's a good way to improve my skills and I get to travel back in time - even if it is just for a few minutes. A roll of color is next... so stay tuned...
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Brown - Another Popular Winter Color

In addition to white - brown is another popular color.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's That Time of Year

I guess we've had it good - Dec 3rd and so far no snow - temperatures close to 60 on Wednesday and now snow on Thursday - the unpredictability of weather. I need to find my scrapers, snow brush and see if I can get the snow blower started. Now white will be the color to photograph....
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Railroad Bridge

This is a railroad bridge which runs across the Cedar River in Cedar Falls, Iowa. It's one of my favorite places to take pictures.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Stained Glass Gallery

Our son and daughter-in-law own and operate the Stained Glass Gallery in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This is a piece they did for us and the light was hitting it just right you know - I had to take a photograph.

Here is another one of their pieces...
(Click on the photograph to view a larger image).

Monday, November 30, 2009


Grandson James holding brandy-new grandson Daniel.
(Click on the photo for a larger image).

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Looking Through the Christmas Tree

My Grandson James was lying on his back and looking up into the Christmas tree. My first inclination as a Grandpa was to to tell him, "Get out of there before you to tip over the tree." Then I thought - I was a kid once too - so, I managed to get myself (mostly my head) under the tree (with a camera of course) and took a look at the view. Here's the view... it was cool.
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Mother - A Photographer?

Yellowstone Lake Circa 1948

It's unfortunate that I am just discovering that my mother was quite the photographer. As I go through her albums there are a lot of good photographs. I always knew that my Aunt Mary took and developed her own photos, and I recently discover that my Grandmother Myers did the same thing. As I think back my mother did seem to have a camera in her hands a lot. I don't think she developed her own (I would have remembered that I think). She was great at labeling and dating - something I think I'll try to do better at so that when my kids and grand kids look at my photos 50 years from now they won't say who's that or what's that, or why did he take that picture? - they'll probably say that anyway -

Moon on Yellowstone Lake Circa 1948

Friday, November 27, 2009

Kooking, Karing and Konversation

Kooking, Karing and Konversation - it all happens in our Kitchen - the hub of all the activity...
(Click on the photo to view a larger image.)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Stuffed and ready to go - I am thankfull for this turkey who gave his life so that we may feast!!
(click on the photo to view a larger image).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Grandma's Elves

Grandma's Elf James...

Grandma's Ef Katharine...
Grandma gets a lot of help this time of year as Thanksgiving and Christmas draw near.
(Click on a photo to view a larger image).

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

For Rent

It appears that the previous tenants of this nest are looking to rent out their digs while they winter down South...
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).

Monday, November 23, 2009


"Cigar, cigarette...cigar cigarette?"

In true USO fashion local celebrities were in attendance at the 1st Anniversary celebration of the opening of the Sullivan Brothers Museum. Manning the serving line are KWWL (NBC) local anchorman Ron Steele, and Betty Grable impersonator waving as they noticed I was taking pictures. To Ron's right is a Clark Gable impersonator - I believe his moustache was from an eyebrow pencil. My favorite - the "Cigarette Lady" -

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Night at the Hollywood Canteen

The Liberty Bells as seen on a video feed to a large screen in the lobby of the Grout Museum.

One of the Singers.

We attend an event last night, A Night at the Hollywood Canteen, at the Grout Museum in Waterloo, Iowa. This event was in celebration of the 1st anniversary of the opening of the Sullivan Brothers Veterans Museum. As part of the entertainment a group of performers, The Liberty Bells, came in from New York to put on an USO Show.

(Click on the photo to view a larger image).