A fitting end to 2009 - a Blue Moon. I took this photo at about 6:00 PM and nearly froze to death... Blue Moon, not in reference to the color, but to the fact that when there are 2 full moons in 1 month, the 2nd full moon is called "Blue Moon". A Blue Moon is also when in a season there are 4 full moons and then the 3rd moon is called a "Blue Moon."
You can perhaps tell from the masthead of the blog that I intend to continue my Photo A Day for the next 365 days. I plan to do more with film in 2010, study a bit more about composition, lenses, lighting, and print making and will share daily via this blog. This IS my last post of 2009 and I plan to get up early tomorrow and go in search of photographs just waiting to be made.
(Click on the photograph to view a larger image).