A little over a month ago while we were in Des Moines to see my son-in-law off to Iraq we were having a bite to eat in a coffee shop across the street from this building. It intrigued me and since I had a camera I went over to take a few photographs. While I was taking photos a man pulled up in a nifty convertible and asked if I wanted to go inside to take photos. I couldn't at the time, but I did contact him and I went last week to take some photographs on the inside of the building. Here is a link to my Gallery where there are additional photos: http://www.rallenhillphotography.com/rallenhill/Gallery/Gallery.html
I believe I will make this a 2 year project and follow the progress over the next couple of years, and perhaps I will be able to photograph the completed project. Here is their website: http://www.thekathedral.com. Stay tuned...
(Click on the photo to view a larger image).