Monday, January 10, 2011


This young man is who deep in thought is our Priest's son.  Barely visible are some scratches and bruises on his forehead.  It seems he went with his Dad to a rodeo on Saturday might and went "mutton rid'n".   Let's just say the final score was "Mutton" 1 and Noah, well he came away with his pride bruised along with his face.  He's not quite old enough to wear his bruises like a badge of honor - but, someday he will.  I mean boys do get banged up growing up.  Some of us even jump off windmills....  I hear tell that his Dad had a scrape or two growing up as well....

1 comment:

  1. just one or two... He's a good boy and on Monday he got a kiss from a girl who wanted him to feel better. Afterwards he said "dad that was kind of cool" my answer- "yes it is son, yes it is"
