Saturday, April 18, 2009

In Search of Eagles, but...

...found only a pizza guy... It's surprising, but by carrying a camera around one can get some "different" photos that would otherwise fade into a memory.
(To view a larger image of "pzza Guy" click on the photo).


  1. funny shot - great pizza guy!!

    Wish you a wonderful weekend Robert!

  2. Makes me hungry! Great shot. AND, I love your new moon banner at the top!

  3. I always wonder how hot they get in those costumes...good thing it's not summer! And this shot is making me want to eat pizza. They suceeded in their marketing attempts LOL!

  4. Great shot... but I always wonder, does a guy standing by the road in a goofy costume really generate more customers?? Maybe it appeals to the lil kids, and then the kids badger their parents and that works... hmmmm.
